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The Schuylkill Haven Planet Walk Map

In the 2016-2017 school year, the Schuylkill Haven Area Middle School joined in a partnership with Jump Street, a Harrisburg based art organization. An artist in residency program was established and collaboration began with local Walk In Art Center artist Jordan Fees.

The project has incorporated all the school’s curriculum, as well as the help of many local sponsors, businesses, and artists. Each planet was created into a three-dimensional sculpture by an artist or business and located throughout Schuylkill Haven as a walking tour.

Schuylkill Haven middle school students began planning a project to demonstrate the sizes of each planet in our solar system, along with the distances between each planet. Fifth grade students were charged to gather information about the planets, sixth grade was to utilize the math involved with scaling actual distances to a 1.5-mile walk, and the seventh grade oversaw community outreach.

The seventh-grade students met with businesses and artists to commission sculptures of each planet. By the end of the school year, the planet walk was born!

The project was funded by Jumpstreet (, Walk In Art Center and donors.

Please enjoy your solar system journey through education, exercise, and art!

Alpha Mills Corporation - Sun Level Donor

RLKB Builders - Sun Level Donor

Our Haven Foundation - Sun Level Donor

David and Susan Morgan - Sun Level Donor

Lorraine Felker - Sun Level Donor

Solar Innovations Inc. - Sun Level Donor

Cardinal Systems Inc. - Sun Level Donor

Dallago Beauty Salon – Mercury Level Donor

R & J Tours – Milky Way Level Donor

Dewald and Lengle – Milky Way Level Donor

Hess Ready Mix Concrete - Milky Way Level Donor

Fairlawn Masonry - Milky Way Level Donor

Planets created by:

The Sun: Artistically Interpreted by Milt Rags – The Bearded Welder

Mercury: Artistically Interpreted by Summit Trailer, Kauffman’s Auto Detailing & Aluminum Polishing, White’s Machine Shop

Venus: Artistically Interpreted by Ebinger Iron Works

Earth: Artistically Interpreted by Lori Remmel, Mike Blanco, MZB Productions

Mars: Artistically Interpreted by Audrey Bordonaro, Kris Miller-Siple and Molly Kantner Reed

Jupiter: Artistically Interpreted by Universal Forest Products, Mark Hartman, Luke Hoak

Saturn: Artistically Interpreted by Jeff Kahn

Uranus: Artistically Interpreted by Hydro Extrusions

Neptune: Artistically Interpreted by Sean Schoener

Pluto: Artistically Interpreted by Kristen Egan