2020 OHF Projects and Accomplishments  --  Summary

~OHF installed a 10 panel 80 ft mural dedicated to the journey of our dedicated nonprofit organizations and celebrating the community’s many assets. The mural was erected on the stone wall of the municipal parking lot adjacent to the Railroad Station on Main Street
~Installed Signage to promote discoverschuylkillhaven.com    
~Circulated Mural Rack Cards honoring the Public Art  -- provided at various locations.
~Continued to attract/retain sponsors for discoverschuylkillhaven.com    
~Created/displayed Seasonal Décor on Main Street of the Central Business District.

2021 OHF Projects -- Summary

Last Year, Our Haven Foundation approved a comprehensive marketing plan to showcase the Planet Walk works of Art as well as the Murals in town. Each Planet and Mural will have a descriptive plaque marker to showcase  Public Art – fashioned after the historical markers you see currently in town.  
In addition, OHF will be creating a town walking map with information about the historical markers, planet walk, murals, businesses in town and other points of interest. This information will appear as well on the discoverschuylkillhaven.com website.
Our goal is to enhance our community’s assets and encourage people to enjoy the historical/artistic enhancements throughout our town – and recommend walking routes for exercise. OHF is hoping its marketing efforts will also attract visitors -- to enjoy the river, island park, the trails --  and the various Public  Arts’ sites. 

With the hope of more visitors/walkers ...OHF will install additional white benches  strategically placed in areas for people to relax and enjoy our little town.

The Mural Project will be installing additional panels --  to honor the people and places that celebrate the spirit and letter of Schuylkill Haven’s historical journey.

We will not be scheduling OHF’S Craft Brew Fest this year due to COVID-19. Safety and capacity restrictions governed our decision to cancel; we look forward (hopefully) to a 2022 Craft Brew Fest. OHF is currently researching other, possible activities in 2021  to help offset the loss of fundraising revenue . We will keep you updated on developments as they occur...

I encourage you -- weather permitting -- to explore Schuylkill Haven  -- to celebrate our community and all that it has to offer   ....    
New Year Blessings to All