Our Haven Foundation used funds received from the Dr. Zwerling Grant to create a mural for Downtown Schuylkill Haven. The mural idea was created by Board Members Vicky Norris, Lisa Robinson and Susan Williams. The design and implementation of the mural was done by Carrie Kingsbury of Promiseland Murals. The framing and plaque were done by community member Les Aungst. 

The murals are a journey through history, showcasing the current events that happen throughout town. Borough Day, the Sojourn, the Lighting of the Lights, Shop Local and the Halloween Parade. There are two panels that are interactive murals, the dandelion and the Bubuck Park. Each are depicted with a yellow star on the ground "photo op - stand here." The dandelion, you stand and blow the petals throughout the mural. The Bubeck Park, you can feed the swan. 

The Our Haven Foundation has been busy writing grants to continue the panels in the Downtown Schuylkill Haven parking lot. "We hope to put another ten panels depicting other major events of Schuylkill Haven. We see these panels as a journey through history, a time to Discover Schuylkill Haven."